Sunday, January 24, 2016

What is Life? 

>In process of being finished. 

Through all the countless differences, whether it be race, belief, and personal mindset... the loneliness and hatred that has prompted the cause of war, and the use of nuclear power on each other have all stimulated the ultimate and intangible question of: what is life? 

Most subject individuals have accepted the fact that there will never be an answer here on Earth but i beg to differ the constant hints that are always around us, unable to be seen because of the ignorant mind of a human being. I, being a Scorpio, can't help but to ponder on this question. Almost every day do i see myself trying to understand my importance here and how i can make a difference in the world. But once in a while i'll sort of fall on the different, very intricate ways of life and how everything connects. (I will later go into detail about this)